gue cinta 2-2nya sih. hahaha. XD

reasons why I love Jacob Black :
=3 he's played by Taylor Lautner!!
=3 he looks damn good without a shirt!
=3 he runs around half-naked all the time.
=3 he didn't leave.
=3 he is REAL. real man don't sparkle. xP
=3 he is warm.
=3 he is patience.
=3 he let things go and not over react.
=3 he is a damn sexy motorcycle rider.
=3 werewolf is sexy!
=3 he fight for the girl he loves.

reasons why I love Edward Cullen :
=] he is completely unselfish!!
=] he promises 'FOREVER'.
=] vampire is sexy! *gyahaha. XD*
=] he'll write you your own lullaby.
=] he makes 108 years look good.
=] mind reading is sexy!
=] he would dream about you if he could.
=] he plays the piano perfectly.
=] his breath smells like Heaven.

dari berbagai sumber. ^^
ciakakaka. XD

*give me Jacob and no one gets hurt!!*

asik neh lagunyaa~ xP

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag. I'm not gonna move,
Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand,
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am,
Some try to hand me money they don't understand,
I'm not... broke I'm just a broken hearted man,
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do,
How can I move on when I've been in love with you...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

Policeman says son you can't stay here,
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year,
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl...
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world...

Maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,
And you'll come running to the corner...
os you'll know it's just for you

I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I'm not gonna move.

kemarin, saia, cc saia dan spupu saia, Tari ke TA. itu dikarenakan tari pengen banget Sour Sally. awalnya sih saia tak mau, tapi jadinya ikut jg. hahaha. XD nyampe di TA, g n cc g makan dl. makan ke food court. abis makan, tari beli Sour Sally. abis itu, tari mau bermain Pump. ternyata begitu nyampe Timezone, saia ketemu ama Brenda. waaahh~ kangen sekali saia sama dia. ternyata dia mau maen pump jg. sebelom mereka maen, ada cowo maen pump, SUMPAH! itu orang lebay banget maen pumpnya. sok keren. amit" dah g.

abis dari situ qt ke Central Park *akan g singkat CP* hahaha. XD karena cc g pengen Heavenly Blush. lalu qt jalan kaki ke CP. nyampe di CP beli Heavenly Blush. dah gitu duduk" di tempat air mancur gitu. dah mau jam stgh 6 kl ga salah. qt nungguin ampe air mancurnya mulai. begitu liat ada cowo bawa" SLR g lgsg mikir "knp tadi g ga bawa SLR? dong dong skali." ampe ada 3 org lebih yg bawa SLR. ada tante" jg. tante"nya canggih bner dah. dy bawa canon 7D. yoii~

selesai ntn air mancurnya cc saia dan tari pulang gr" mrk ada latian caroling gt. tapi saia ttp dCP soalnya nungguin nyok n bokap dtg bwad mkn malem disini. makan di apa betawi gt. lupa namanya. mahal bner. soto ayam 25 rb. es cincau ijo 16 rb. bedeh ilah~ disekolah g soto ayam cuma 6 rb, kl 25 rb bisa kenyang mampus x. dipinggir jalan es cincau ijo cm 2 rb, 16 rb bs dpt 8 gelas. nyesel dah makan dsono. xP lalu ke Gramed membeli Love Sign no 3. yeaahh!

*tekad : g bakal balik ke CP sambil bawa SLR. harus!*
hahaha. XD
btw, pintu kamar g skrg tertempel 2 poster. 1 posternya Robert Pattinson (=Edward Cullen) 1 lagi posternya Taylor Lautner (=Jacob Black) dan kawan". xP


kemarin... Senin, 21 Desember 2oo9..

rencananya, kelompok BI-nya nyottie mw syuting n saia berencana ngerecokin.. hahaha.. XD tapi sebelum nyot sampe kskul *tempat janjian*.. satu per satu org" yg mestinya syuting hr ini malah sakid n ga bs syuting.. jadi syutingna dibatalkan.. tapi saia dan nyot terlanjur kskul.. lalu qt merencanakan untuk nonton AVATAR! tapi mau ke CL dulu.. nyottie mw maen Pump..

tapi hujan mengguyur sekolah kita tercintaa~ jadi kita nunggu dulu dr jam 9an ampe jam 1o.. lalu qt tacu ke CL.. ampe di CL, trnyta Fun City-nya belom buka.. jadi qt nungguin dpan Fun City ampe buka.. sekitar stgh 11an lewat, Fun City-nya baru buka.. lalu lgsg beli koin dan main Pump.. saia dipaksa maen.. hahaha.. XD hasilnya selalu F! saia memang tdk jago untuk hal" sprti itu.. hix.. T.T

stlh bermain, qt k PJ.. bwad ntn AVATAR!

yeaaahhh~ filmnya sungguh keren! kt nyot filmnya dibuat 4 taon, apa 4 stgh taon.. yoi skaliii.. keren banged lhaa~ wajib ntn! wajibb.. wakakaka.. XD special effect-nya keren banged.. ajiibb! ^^ filmnya sekitar 3 jam.. tp ga nyesel lha kl ntn ni film! =3

setelah ntn, qt lgsg pulang~ hahaha.. XD smakin bnyk tiket ntn saia bsama nyot! =3

btw, hr ini hari IBU! happy mother's day bwad semua mama dduniaa! ^^

saia kembali setelah sekian lama tidak nge-blog.. hahaha.. XD itu dikarenakan saia bingung mw tulis apa.. xP skrg, mengulang apa yg terjadi belakangan ini~

ultahnya jacQ
qt ada rencana bbq dhumnya jacQ.. pagi" setelah pulang dr Gereja, saia khumnya nyot.. rencananya sih mw bikin kartu ucapan buat jacQ.. tapi begitu sampe sana, nyot malah maen audition ayojoget.. ckckck.. dan g karena bosan malah poto".. hahaha.. XD ini poto"nyaaa.. cekidot!

are you sad, Teddy?

sketch by Sza sza

sketch by Sza sza

haaaahhh~ ampe akhirnya nyot baru nemu ide kira" 2o menit sblm qt berangkat.. aaahhh~ lalu ngebut lah qt buat.. hahaha.. XD saia sempet foto lhoo~ nanti baru saia masukin ksini.. xP awalnya qt mau buat surprise.. ceritanya ga ada yang dateng ke bbqnya jacQ.. tapi qt ketauan gara" kelamaan nungguin si bibal! grrrrr... yah, tp gpp lha~ trz qt bbq-an.. g, nyot, ela, angeline malah becanda" kayak anak gila.. hahaha.. XD seru banged.. qt makan dikid banged.. kl g c, gr" g trauma.. terakhir bbq-an kn g ampe sakit perut 3 hari.. ampe ga bs gerak dr ranjang.. lalu poto".. seruuu!

biz itu saia pulang bareng ela.. dhum ela bntr nunggu djemput, nganterin nyot, nyampe rumah.. lalu saia kelaparan.. karena g cm makan pagi doank.. untung nyokap tercinta saia ninggalin makanan.. segera kusantap.. hahaha.. XD lalu tepar~


keTA ama nyot, soniha, melisa
qt ntn Planet 51! di TA! yeay.. hahaha.. XD lucu pelemnaaa~ kocak banged.. pas ntn c nyot ampe mukul" tangan g saking lucunya.. lucu c lucu.. jgn mukul nyot! xP

Planet 51! yeaaahh~

pulang dari TA, saia dan nyot ke CL.. pas lagi jalan, g kesandung kayu.. kuku kaki kelingking g patah dan BERDARAH! *lebay mode ON* wakakaka.. XD nyot mw main Pump! trz pas nyampe, trnyata Pumpnya rame.. jadi qt nunggu dl.. trz g lapar, g makan HokBen dulu.. baru balik kt4 Pumpnya.. c nyot cuma main bntr, lalu qt pulang~

yaaahh~ bgtu lah cerita kemaren".. hehe.. =3
cao saudara"~
sudah malam.. ikan bobo~ saia juga mau bobo! ^^